AWS re:Post Live - Boost Productivity and Efficiency with Amazon Q - Your Generative AI–powered Assistant

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Ask us your Amazon Q and Generative AI questions before you join us live on April 1st only on Twitch!

Note: This episode aired on April 1st. You can watch the recording on demand by clicking here or on the image at the bottom of this article.

Welcome to our AWS re:Post Live re:Quest Article for our upcoming show scheduled for Monday, April 1st at 11 am PST / 2 pm EST! On this episode, join Sr. Technical Account Manager Jay Busch, Principal Technical Account Manager Rajakumar Sampathkumar, and Technical Account Manager Sean Tallman as they discuss Amazon Q and demonstrate a suite of Generative AI tools and functions available on AWS. If you have any questions about Amazon Q or Generative AI please add it in the comment section below for our speakers to address live on during the show. If your question is selected you will be awarded 5 re:Post points! If another user has already asked a question that you would also like to see discussed, give it an upvote and we'll address each question based on interest.

Amazon Q is a fully managed, generative-AI powered assistant that you can configure to answer questions, provide summaries, generate content, and complete tasks based on data in your enterprise. Amazon Q provides immediate and relevant information to employees, and helps streamline tasks and accelerate problem solving.
