New AWS Supply Chain Feature Release: Lead Time Insights enhances the support for data variability

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Content level: Foundational

AWS Supply Chain lead time insights for improved variability detection and planning

Enhanced Vendor Lead Time (VLT) Insights is now generally available.

Vendor Lead Time (VLT) Insights increases lead time deviation awareness, focusing on critical factors such as the vendor’s transportation mode and source locations. Users can identify lead time deviations at a more granular level and view them through the Insights UI (user interface). Additionally, users can easily export all lead time deviations to combine with external sources for further analysis.

Customers lack timely visibility of vendor lead time deviations (actual lead times vs contractual lead times). Identifying and incorporating these deviations is crucial for improving planning accuracy and avoiding stock out situations. Traditional data analysis methods are time-consuming, often taking weeks to identify variability each quarter. By the time deviations are identified and predictions are adjusted, the underlying data is already outdated. As a result, lead time predictions become less accurate, which heightens the risk of stock outs due to inadequate inventory and leads to increased costs from expedited shipping or higher safety stock adjustments.

This release allows customers to identify and export vendor lead time deviations at a more granular level, including transportation modes and source locations. This will help customers identify deviations from contractual lead times quickly. Customers can then update their planning cycle by using the recommended lead times.

Please visit AWS Supply Chain to learn more about VLT Insights and to start your free trial.

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