Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for Python applications with Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals

1 minute read
Content level: Intermediate


AWS announced Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals during re:Invent 2023. It is a new capability in Amazon CloudWatch to monitor and understand the health of Java applications. Today, we are excited to announce that Application Signals now supports Python applications. Enabling Application Signals allows you to use AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) to instrument Python applications without code changes. This lets you collect key metrics and traces for libraries and frameworks developed using Python. This allows you to quickly triage operational health and monitor performance goals, without writing custom code or creating dashboards.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a detailed walkthrough on how to seamlessly integrate Application Signals with Python applications deployed on an Amazon EKS cluster. Specifically, we’ll focus on using this integration to monitor Python applications developed using the Django framework and utilizing popular libraries such as psycopg2, boto3 and requests. We will then visualize the application operational health using Application Signals in the CloudWatch console.
