Best practice to request Lightsail for Research as university/college researcher

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Content level: Intermediate

Guidance on how to make request for deploying GPU virtual computers in Lightsail for Research for higher education university customers

Question : I am a university researcher interested in using Lightsail for Research GPU virtual computers for my team, but I can’t launch it in my AWS account. How do I get permission for my account?

Answer : Lightsail for Research (LfR) is a new offering and the self-service Service Quota tool does not include LfR at this time. Start to open a support case and click on the “Looking for service quota increases?” link.

Quote Increase

Choose the “Create a case instead” option and be ready with the requested AWS region ex: US East (Ohio) as well as the number of GPU virtual computers desired, including size (XL, 2XL, 4XL).

Enter image description here

Use the Case description field to specifically inform AWS that the request is Lightsail for Research and your affiliation with an education institution. Then specify the number/size of desired GPU instance types. This will help AWS team validate and approve the request.

Optional : provide more details in “Use case description” on the background, intended purpose, and timeline of your planned use of LfR. It will help the AWS team understand and potentially prioritize the service quota increase request.

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published 2 months ago153 views