What’s New: Announcing new dashboard component in IoT Application Kit

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What’s New: Announcing new dashboard component in IoT Application Kit

Today, we are announcing the launch of a new dashboard component in the IoT Application Kit. The IoT Application Kit is an open-source, front-end library that enables developers to quickly build applications for visualizing data from processes and equipment that are connected to AWS IoT SiteWise. AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that simplifies collecting, organizing, and analyzing industrial equipment data. With this new component, developers can get started by building a dashboard and choosing the layout and size of widgets that are most suitable for their end-users. Developers can drill-down to other dashboards using the new text and link widgets for ease of navigation. With features such as copy-paste, multi-select move, and multi-select delete developers can quickly build dashboards at scale.

The IoT Application Kit already supports user interface (UI) components for managing and visualizing data from AWS IoT SiteWise, including BarChart, KPI, ScatterChart, LineChart, Status, StatusTimeline, Text, and Table. Now with the dashboard component, developers can use these UI components to build their own applications tailored to different use cases and their unique business needs.

Developers can use a front-end framework such as ReactJS and add the AWS IoT Application Kit library to their application via an NPM package available on Github (https://github.com/awslabs/iot-app-kit). Once the library is part of their project, they can embed dashboards and charts with just a few lines of code. AWS IoT Application Kit takes care of the underlying technical complexities so that developers can focus on building their applications. Application end-users will be able to get insights into their operational data to understand device and equipment behavior.

AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize, and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale to help make better, data-driven decisions. To get started with IoT Application Kit, [GitHub (https://github.com/awslabs/iot-app-kit), Docs Site (https://awslabs.github.io/iot-app-kit/?path=/docs/introduction--docs)].

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published a year ago940 views