What are Route 53 Profiles?

3 minute read
Content level: Foundational

In April 2024, Amazon Web Services introduced a new feature for Amazon Route 53 called Route 53 Profiles. This article talks about Profiles, its features, and the steps to create a Profile.

In April 2024, Amazon Web Services introduced a new feature for Amazon Route 53 called Route 53 Profiles. This enhancement allows users to centralize the management of various Route 53 resources across single or multiple AWS accounts. The resources that can be managed through Route 53 Profiles include:

  • Private hosted zones
  • Route 53 Resolver rules
  • DNS firewall rule groups

How to create Route 53 Profiles and share them across different accounts?

You can create Route 53 Profiles from the Route 53 console. To create the profile, you can follow the following steps:

  1. In the AWS Console, search for Route 53
  2. On the left navigation pane, select Profiles
  3. Click on Create profile from the top right corner
  4. Enter the name of the profile and click on Create profile
  5. In the Profile, you will see various tabs for DNS Firewall rule groups, Private hosted zones, Resolver rules, and VPCs.

These are the tabs where you will be able to view and associate the resources from the same account. To be able to share the Profile with other accounts or users, you would need to use the Resource Access Manager (RAM). To share the Profile with other accounts, you can follow the following steps:

  1. In the AWS Console, search for Resource Access Manager
  2. On the right side, click on Create resource share
  3. Enter the name for the resource
  4. On the same page, under Resources, select Route 53 Profiles as the resource type. Select the already created Route 53 Profile and click Next
  5. In the Associated managed permissions, you can keep the permissions as default and click on Next
  6. Under the Grant access to principals, you now have the option to share it with any AWS account, role, user, entire organization, or even an organizational unit
  7. Once you have entered the required details in who you want to share the profile with, click on Next
  8. Review the information and click on Create resource share

Once you have shared the resource, the account, role, user, or organization would by default have read-only permissions to the Profile. With it, they can associate it to the VPCs but can’t manage the associations.

This feature thus streamlines the administration of DNS-related resources, offering improved efficiency and control for AWS customers managing complex network architectures.

Reference Documents:

  1. What are Route 53 Profiles?
  2. Creating Route 53 Profiles
  3. Working with shared Route 53 Profiles
  4. Route 53 Profile pricing - click on Route 53 Profiles tab under Pricing components