Convert your Aurora MySQL cluster to a provisioned cluster
Complete the following steps:
If your Aurora MySQL cluster has a custom parameter group, first turn on binary logging, then set the binlog_format parameter to MIXED or ROW.
(Optional) If your Aurora MySQL cluster uses a default parameter group, first create a custom parameter group and turn on binary logging. Then, set the binlog_format parameter to MIXED.
To convert your Aurora MySQL Serverless v1 cluster to a provisioned cluster, run the modify-db-cluster command: Note: The following command requires downtime for the duration of the modification.
Note: Replace example-region with your AWS Region.
To upgrade the provisioned cluster to a version that supports Aurora Serverless v2 with minimal downtime, create a blue/green deployment. Make sure that you select the new version for your green environment. Note: The blue/green environment takes time to create, but downtime doesn't occur. The upgrade occurs in the green environment.