Multiple subnets in ParallelCluster


Is there anyway to deploy compute accross Availibility Zones of a region? It seems we can only specify one subnet per queue. Also if I try to setup queues in different subnets I get 'The SubnetIds used for all of the queues should be the same.'.

I understand latency can get affected, but if the workload is not using networks, this would be advantageous to get access to more compute!

gefragt vor 2 Jahren392 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

We're tracking this feature request in this GitHub issue: We don't yet have a timeline to share for this feature enhancement.

If you need different "compute" you can define multiple ComputeResources or multiple SlurmQueues, even if they are in the same subnet.

An high level alternative is to use Slurm Federation to manage multiple Slurm clusters. See Workshop: Using AWS ParallelCluster for Research.


beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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