How to get the outcome of an endpoint entered in the amazon pinpoint journey?


I have created a dynamic segment in amazon pinpoint with criteria and it fetched the endpoints matched with the criteria and then used this segment in my journey.

Journey use contact center (Amazon Connect) for delivering the msg (Voice), journey runs and endpoints/numbers start being dialed. perfect!

Now I want to check/see the outcome of endpoints entered in the journey as how many endpoints/contacts dialed and what are the outcomes for every endpoint/contact e.g. status Connected when customers picked the call, status Missed when customers missed the call.

Any API? or why out? can we set a variable as a metric or user attribute in a segment and then use it later for checking the outcome?

1 Antwort


Thanks for your patience as we worked with the Pinpoint team regarding your query. You can use Journey metrics. In this page, the Contact center metrics can be found under "Activity-Level Engagement Metrics" -> "Contact Center Activity"

You can also follow the documentation here in our blog post to configure Eventbridge to log Amazon Connect Contact Events and send it to a target. In the blog the Contact event is sent to the Cloudwatch but you can also configure a different target to process the log event such as a Lambda function which can further process the event.

In the above blog post, please check under Step 6: Setting up Amazon EventBridge to log events in Amazon CloudWatch for tracking the calls that are handled by Amazon Connect.. You can use the campaignId as your reference when searching the events. Please check Step 9: Tracking Amazon Connect outbound calls in Amazon CloudWatch Logs for the sample events.

I hope this information helps. Please let us know if you may have any other questions. We will be happy to help you.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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