Host Multi-pages on Amplify


What’s the way to host my website that containing multiple pages ? - it allowed to upload one html zip file which is mean one page.

-This is first time I host website on Amplify.

1 Antwort

The Amplify CLI commands include the ability to add hosting via S3 and CloudFront, and to publish your updated codebase to S3 as needed. The steps are documented here: If you are building a React based web application, for example, all of the files from your build directory would be published to S3 as a single page application (SPA). If you are not using a SPA framework such as React, then really any files you publish to S3 will become available and can be accessed similarly to any other webserver.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Really thank you David - that’s help!

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