TYPE_NOT_FOUND: Unknown type: row error in Athena querying a DocDB data source


I setup a Document DB Data Source in Athena using a pre-defined Lambda function as per https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/connectors-docdb.html.

Athena can see the data source and collections within the DocDB database, but when I try to query anything with a

SELECT * FROM <docdb_database>.<collection>

I get the following error:

TYPE_NOT_FOUND: Unknown type: row

gefragt vor einem Jahr375 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

I believe you need to specify the lambda function name which is created when installing the connector. Something like this SELECT * FROM "lambda:<lambda name>".<docdb_database>.<collection> ; See also the Amazon DocumentDB lab about how to create and query using the connector.

Mihai A
beantwortet vor 10 Monaten

This does not solve the problem, do you know another solution?

beantwortet vor einem Monat

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