Security Hub - pricing estimation



I would like to estimate prices for aws security hub, but I have some questions about it:

  1. What means Number Of Security Checks per Account?. How can I calculate that number?
  2. What means Number Of Finding Ingested per Account? How can I calculate that number?
  3. About AWS Config used by Security Hub, how can I calculate the Number of Configuration items recorded and Number of Config rule evaluations?

Thank you.

1 Antwort

Hi Orlando, Security Hub includes a Free Tier of one month, the easiest way to estimate it's price it's to enable it and check after 15 days the price estimation .

It's important to note that AWS Config isn't included in this free trial, and to estimate it's cost you can check this blog That said, AWS Config usually isn't a significant cost.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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