translate SNS notifications from SSM to useful readable informations



I'm receiving SNS notification after run command (AWS_applypatchbaseline) , but it is containing only instance ID and run command result (failed, success...). Example below :


I would like to translate this to instance name + run command **output **(where I can see installed KB)

Any directions where I should look at ?

1 Antwort


In regards to monitoring run Command and Maintenance Windows tasks, one can configure Amazon SNS notifications for command tasks. [1]

The summary that is currently sent from SNS includes fields such as eventTime, documentName etc [2] which I can see in your example message as well.

In regards to customization query of an SNS message [3], generally one can leverage a Lambda function instead as a target if and when possible with service. Then, configure that Lambda function to publish a custom message to the Amazon SNS topic. This will help filter for the information you require for a specific use case.

In this specific case scenario, I would recommend you to open a case with our Premium Support team for SSM service to confirm if Lambda can be used as a target.

I hope the above shared information shed light on your customization query. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.





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