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Instance reachability check failed


Hi Guys,

I am having issues with my micro server in UK West.

Type: t2.micro OS: Ubuntu

The Instance fails 1 of the 2 status checks daily and I am having to restart the server every morning to get it functioning again. When I restart the server it works fine for a few hours and then goes down again. I have check the log file and there is nothin indicating the as to where there would be a status check failure. Any advice greatly welcomed.

1 Antwort


A common problem is that the CPU usage rate or memory usage load increases, making it impossible to connect.
Other problems include running out of EBS capacity and making it impossible to connect.

First of all, we recommend that you check what the CPU usage rate and memory usage rate were at the stage when you were unable to connect.
Please also check the EBS capacity.

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