AWS LoRaWAN LNS - Downlink support


Does the AWS LoRaWAN Network Server support sending downlink messages to an end node? I can't seem to find a way to do this, but maybe I'm just missing something simple.

gefragt vor 3 Jahren395 Aufrufe
6 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

Yes, the sending data downlink to a device is supported. It is not on the console right now. You can use CLI to make that happen. The reference can be found via this link,

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Great, thanks!

What happens if I send a downlink message to a Class A device? Does it get sent to the Gateway, and the Gateway sends it to the node the next time the node sends an uplink?

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren
  • Class A devices sleep most of the time. They listen for downlink messages (from gateway to device) only for a short period after transmitting. If a cloud-hosted application sends a command to this device, a significant delay may take place until the messages is received by the device. Because of that, class A devices are typically battery-powered sensors, having a battery time of up to 10 years.



Is this documented anywere? I can't find it.

I have a device that has a Class C device profile (US915-C-OTAA) and when I use SendDataToWirelessDevice to send data to it, it doesn't get sent right away. It's only getting sent after an uplink. Since it's a Class C I would have expected to be sent right away. Am I doing something wrong?

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

For Class A devices, the downlink packets will be held in AIL until an uplink is seen.

Edited by: russ-awsiot on Mar 14, 2021 10:22 AM

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

The most possible cause for this issue might be that you are using TransmitMode=1 for the DL. If the device is not acking back in time, the next DL packet cannot get sent until the previous one is time-out. If you need further diagnosis, you can provide more information here and we can further investigate.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Regarding the documentation, I think it is not that detailed regarding the downlink handling yet. The API reference can be found here, But I guess you already know it. We will keep updating the documentation to have all possible details reflected. Thanks for the feedback.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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