OpenSSL CVE-2022-3602 vulnerabilities I found in ECS containers


Hello, After checking AWS Inspector for CVE vulnerabilities I found that they are in ECS containers of our application. How do I fix container vulnerabilities please? Thank you in advance

2 Antworten

Please check the OpenSSL Security Advisory post for November 2022 that we published. In here you will find links to rectify OpenSSL vulnerabilities for ECS.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

The recommended fix for both CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786 is to update OpenSSL to version 3.0.7.

Depending on the Container OS that you are using, it will have different packages versions to update. For example, Ubuntu 22.04 users can upgrade the “openssl” package to version 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.7. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 users can upgrade the “openssl” package to version openssl-3.0.1-43.el9_0

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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