AWS RDS mySQL - visible only t3, r5 and m5 instance types.


Hi, I try to create mySQL RDS DB t4g but I see only t3, r5 and m5 instance types. Can it be a bug with my account?

gefragt vor einem Jahr594 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
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What version of MySQL did you specify?
t4g requires MySQL 8.0.25 or higher for RDS.

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What configuration are you using? Availability depends on configuration, including region and deployment options (cluster, instance, etc.) to name a few.

I've confirmed in us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, and us-west-2 that t4g instances are available for MySQL. For other regions, check this documentation.

Another note is that the RDS creation wizard defaults to a Multi-AZ DB Cluster deployment type, which does not appear to support burstable instance types (T3, T4g, etc).

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thanks for your answer. My configuration: AWS RDS MySQL Community instance, any Engine versions (tried all), Dev/Test, Single DB instance, eu-west-1.

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