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Ec2 instance not connecting to my windows command prompt through SSH clint


Previously i was able to connect though SSH client to my windows command prompt but now iam unable to connect. Can any one suggest what to do? Bellow is SSH client output. Enter image description here

gefragt vor einem Jahr483 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort


This is an issue related to file encoding, especially when opened with CMD or Powershell.

To fix this issue, you need to change the file encoding to "UTF-8". To achieve this, try opening the ".ssh/config" file using Notepad++ or VSCode, and on the bottom right, click on the current encoding of the file. Then, update it to "UTF-8".

This should resolve the issue. And, in case it doesn't, try to copy the content of the ssh config and create a new file, making sure it has UTF-8 encoding.



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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • I have deleted that .ssh/config file and set to UTF-8. Now i am able to connect. I am new to aws i dont know what to do. But Some how it worked. Thanks for the help.

  • I'm glad to be of help!

    Additionally, you can mark this as an "Accepted Answer" to help anyone facing a similar issue. Thank you!

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