How to upgrade Aurora PostgreSQL major version via CloudFormation?



I tried upgrade Aurora PostgreSQL from 10 to 11 via CloudFormation with CDK.
At first, I simply changed PostgreSQL version in CDK and tried cdk deploy.
I got this error:

UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE: The specified DB Instance is a member of a cluster. Modify the DB engine version for the DB Cluster using the ModifyDbCluster API.

So, I tried upgrade Aurora PostgreSQL in AWS Console manually, I got success it.
But I want to sync this upgrade with CloudFormation template.
I changed PostgreSQL version in CDK and tried cdk deploy.
I got this error:

UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE: Resource handler returned message: "Cannot change VPC security group while doing a major version upgrade.(..."

I cannot look latest message via Google search.
How to upgrade Aurora PostgreSQL major version with Cloudformation?

  • I don't have an answer buy I have the same problem when trying to upgrade from Auroa MySQL Serverless v1 Mysql 5.6 to Mysql 5.7 (specifically 5.6.10a to 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.1). A CDK diff only shows the expacted changes: Resources [] AWS::RDS::DBCluster xxxxxxx may be replaced ├─ [] Engine (may cause replacement) │ ├─ [-] aurora │ └─ [+] aurora-mysql └─ [~] EngineVersion ├─ [-] 5.6.10a └─ [+] 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.1

    There are no changes to the security group...

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