IVR Selection not working on smart phones


We are using Amazon connect and we have a flow with 4 options for customers to select when they ring us. When a customer selects 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, phones are not able to take these inputs. We have not made any changes to our flow and it just started to this issue. Did anyone had a similar issue and how could you fix this issue.

gefragt vor 4 Monaten191 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

No, this problem is still persisting.

beantwortet vor 4 Monaten
  • Is it on specific carriers? I would open a ticket with AWS as I have to imagine there's some issue with their telecom layer.


I suspect this was a temporary issue or isolated to a single carrier, can you confirm?


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beantwortet vor 4 Monaten

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