Error while deploying website on S3


i wanted to deploy a static website build up of html, css, js. after following the procedure of deploying static website on s3. its still showing error

Code: NoSuchKey
Message: The specified key does not exist.
Key: index.html
RequestId: ***************
HostId: IhXRGsx3EThj0aJWxnB7iJK+DYr6l7FFcWj7YeymSDaQD4lO7zrFPTppvTlVVNWf4Oy8U36/yss=


1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Hi, the above means that a browser (probably) is looking to access a file whose key (S3 name for name) is index.html and doesn't find it. Check that your bucket contains such a index.html file at its root.

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