EC2 File Gateway with ephemeral storage after stop/start cycle



I'm trying to use a File Gateway for our latest project. I'm launching an i3.4xlarge and using the NVME SSD ephemeral storage for the cache. It sets up okay and we can create and mount the share. If I stop and start the File Gateway instance, this is no longer the case -- I can access the instance, but the File Gateway is marked offline and I cannot mount the share. This is not the case when using an EBS volume for the cache, instead of the ephemeral storage.

I'm aware of the requirements around preventing data loss when using ephemeral storage on a gateway, but in this instance I don't care -- I specifically care about what appears to be a loss of configuration across stop/start cycles. Is there a solution to this please?


gefragt vor 5 Jahren302 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


If you are using NVME SSD ephemeral disks for the cache disk, then your best bet is to delete the gateway before you stop and activate the gateway after you start the instance.

In future, we are planning make it more seamless when a ephemeral cache disk is attached.


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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