Can I use a wildcard for the HTTP verb with a specific resource path in the response from a lambda authorizer in API Gateway for a REST API?


I'm working on a lambda authorizer for a REST API in API Gateway that uses scopes in a JWT access tokens to determine what resources are available in the API. As I look closer at the specified ARN format for the response, I see that the HTTP-VERB is part of the last colon-delimited segment.


If I use a wildcard * for the verb, can I still specify a specific resource? I see some comments about wildcards greedily matching everything to the right within a segment, but I'm not sure what the boundary is.

I would like to do something like this:


to allow allow all methods for all sub-resources of /foo/bar/, but disallow access to any direct resources of /foo/.

2 Antworten
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This can indeed be done as specified in this documentation. Should you use the following resource arn:aws:execute-api:region:account-id:api-id/stage-name/*/foo/bar/* the policy will apply to all methods under sub-resources of /foo/bar/. For example, an allow there in authorizer policy will not allow methods under /foo, only for sub-resources under /foo/bar/.

Using a wildcard * for the http verb segment won't have an impact on later resource segment unless it is the last segment. Only the * in last segment in this example will match everything to right. Do refer to example resource expressions here for details.

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überprüft vor 2 Monaten
  • Okay, thanks! So, per the examples, it looks like in the format arn:aws:execute-api:region:account-id:api-id/stage-name/HTTP-VERB/resource-path-specifier it is possible to use a wildcard in place of stage-name and/or HTTP-VERB and still specify resource-path-specifier which may also include a wildcard at the end.

    Is it possible, then, to also use multiple wildcards in the resource-path-specifier? For example, could I use a wildcard to match a path variable in my API Gateway resource - e.g. /foo/bar/*/allowed would allow access to /foo/bar/{id}/allowed but deny access to any other sub-resource of /foo/bar/{id}/?

  • /foo/bar/*/allowed should work as you expect, allowing allowed sub-resource but implicitly denying other sub-resources


Yes you can. See the second example here.

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beantwortet vor 5 Monaten
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überprüft vor 2 Monaten

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