ECS Fargate Error when launching image, even on previously deployed and working images



We have a docker image stored in ECR which we launch as an ECS task. Up until last friday everything was going fine. Since friday afternoon no deployments will successfully spin up - even if we redeploy a previously working image. No code has been changed that relates to docker at all. When I build the image locally it works. I am unable to ssh into the container as it is started up, fails launch then shuts down. Has something in ECS changed ?

The only error we get is "runc create failed: args must not be empty". This suggests an error in the docker file but its a very basic file :

FROM node:18

RUN ["mkdir", "-p", "/app"]
WORKDIR "/app"

ENV "NODE_ENV" "production"
ENV "PORT" 4000

RUN ["npm", "install", "--global", "npm@8.x.x"]

COPY ["package.json", "package-lock.json", "/app/"]
RUN ["npm", "install", "--only", "production"]

COPY ["dist", "/app/dist/"]

ENTRYPOINT ["node", "--enable-source-maps", "--trace-deprecation", "--trace-warnings", "./dist/index.js"]

thanks for any help

gefragt vor einem Jahr518 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

for the record we traced the issue back to the container used to build the image that is uploaded ecr. locking both the image and services used to a specific version number rather than latest has fixed our issue

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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