What does stv_fdisk_stats table do?


I see a repetition of this query throughout the day and night:
select node_num,value from stv_fdisk_stats where name='blocks_allocated_total';

I get permissions errors if i try to run the query myself; I am asking because it's the only stl_query happening at the exact time of a 'conflict with concurrent transaction' error affecting our normal nightly processing.

gefragt vor 4 Jahren223 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

This query is run by an internal metrics service. It is definitively not the cause of your error.

If there are no queries running, it's likely that some previous operation left a transaction open on the resources used by your failing query. This may have happened because a remote process became stuck and left it's connection open without running ROLLBACK or COMMIT.

I have also seen this happen in instances where a user accidentally disabled the auto commit option in their query tool.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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