Amazon WorkMail Not Allowed to send Outgoing Email


Hi, I am having the same issue with my WorkMail account, Can you please share the solution or help me fix this issue?

Error: " You are currently not allowed to send this e-mail. Please try again later.

2022-08-15 09:15:30 : An error occurred while trying to deliver the mail to the following recipients:

Technical report:

Final-Recipient: rfc822; "

I am using WorkMail Europe (Ireland) - eu-west-1 I am using a custom domain with all verified DNS records and Route53 is also configured. I am not over the sending limit as I am not able to send a single email even to my own verified domain user.

1 Antwort


I'm sorry to hear you're unable to send mails. This error message comes when you have reached the limits or a violation in terms of service was made and the account was blocked. If that happened you should have received a reach out case in your public health dashboard. This notice has instructions on how to remedy this situation.

Kind regards, Robin

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • HI Robins, I have checked the Health Dashboard there are no open or recent issues.

  • Hi,

    In that case I would recommend that you create a support case to see what is wrong.

    Kind regards, Robin

  • I have the Support plan: Basic so I am unable to receive technical support.

  • Hi,

    Can you share the alias of your organization? I will ask the service team to take a look at your organization.

    Kind regards, Robin

  • Account Alias is orderlao

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