AWS transcribe issue


Hello, I'm using AWS transcribe to extract text from records I have a record in Arabic language but it also contains some English words and Names. When I create a Transcribe Job it skips the English words/Names or changes it to the wrong Arabic words. Can I have 2 languages in one transcribing job? also I added custom vocabulary for all records its not improving the performance

I found a low performance in Arabic records text extraction, especially in Names, and English words within the Arabic record. So How can I improve my performance?


1 Antwort


Yes you can have 2 languages in one transcript job by using the following:

You can specify the language options (Arab and English) so they should be analyzed and identified.

For performance, not having any benchmarks, I d recommend to watch this reinvent video and verify whether the suggestions may work for you:

Hope it helps and if does, I d appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
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