Cloudformation CloudFront CachePolicy showing invalid request provided


I am using AWS CLI together with a yaml file to deploy my CloudFront resource. I am aiming to add a CachePolicy to my CloudFront distribution but I am always getting an "Invalid request provided" error on Cloudformation in AWS console. Is my yaml wrong or am I missing something?

Here is a snippet of the cache policy and response headers policy I am using:Enter image description here

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

If you have provided CookieBehavior, HeaderBehavior, and QueryStringBehavior with whitelist value, then you must also provide a list of values that must be included for those parameters. The values should be listed in the the corresponding Cookies, Headers, and QueryStrings parameter for each config.

Example for HeadersConfig:

            HeaderBehavior: whitelist
              - Authorization
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