not able to run a service under ECS cluster


I have replicated my environment using the same information with respect to SSM , S3 , parameter store , secrets manager, I did not change any values, I am getting the below error when I run my workflow ( github actions ) ca any please help what could be the issue.

Unhandled exception. Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementException: The parameter doesn't meet the parameter name requirements. The parameter name must begin with a forward slash "/". It can't be prefixed with "aws" or "ssm" (case-insensitive). It must use only letters, numbers, or the following symbols: . (period), - (hyphen), _ (underscore). Special characters are not allowed. All sub-paths, if specified, must use the forward slash symbol "/". Valid example: /get/parameters2-/by1./path0_.

1 Antwort

issue is resolved, thanks

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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