Does SageMaker Studio support GeoIP fencing?


I want to specify a country/region for ip verification against ip geo location for SageMaker Studio access

1 Antwort

Yes, you can specify a country/region for IP verification against IP geolocation for SageMaker Studio access using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint policies. some steps here:

  1. Determine the IP address ranges for the country/region you want to restrict access to. You can find this information from a variety of sources, such as IP address geolocation databases.

  2. Create a VPC endpoint policy that allows or denies access to SageMaker Studio based on the source IP address of the requestor. In the policy, specify the IP address ranges for the country/region you want to restrict access to.

  3. Apply the VPC endpoint policy to the VPC endpoint that is associated with SageMaker Studio.

Once you have created and applied the VPC endpoint policy, requests to SageMaker Studio from IP addresses outside the specified country/region should be denied.

hope that works for you

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