Windows CodeDeploy - deploy to different destinations based on deployment group


I would like to know if it is possible to deploy your artifacts to different folders in a Windows server based on the deployment group name?

We have a deployment application for EC2/ On prem deployment and we would like to deploy the same artifacts to different folders in different deployment groups.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren385 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

I've figured out that we can use AfterInstall for this Install will copy the artifacts to a common folder The AfterInstall script can then read "DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME" environment variable in a script to copy files from the common folder to the respective directory

Example "AfterInstall" script file for Windows here:

@echo off


REM Set source and destination directories based on DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME
set "source_dir=c:\web\codedeploy"

if "%DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME%"=="staging" (
    set "dest_dir=C:\web\staging-app\"
) else (
   set "dest_dir=C:\web\prod-app\"

REM Copy files from source directory to destination directory
xcopy /s /e /y "%source_dir%" "%dest_dir%"

echo "Files copied successfully!"
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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