Price difference between DynamoDB and MongoDB for Video on Demand App


My developer wants to use MongoDB as a Database for my Video on Demand App. We are startup and trying to save money. My question is: would it be a big difference in price compare to DynamoDB? Does the Database for Video on Demand apps need much resourses? What would you suggest?

2 Antworten

The main costs for video storage will not be MongoDB or DynamoDB. In a typical AWS VOD workflow, video is encoded and stored in S3 (Pricing: while only lightweight metadata about the video is stored in a database. When looking up metadata about a video, you typically have a key and DynamoDB excels at key-value lookups. Also, DynamoDB is serverless, so you only pay for what you use. With a MongoDB, you will pay monthly regardless of how much data or traffic it handles and unless using Atlas, you'll have to manage the EC2 instance, patching, etc. which is an operational cost to keep in mind.

AWS provides solution architectures that help jumpstart your VOD project, so you can follow best practices automatically and simply focus on providing new features for your customers. Here's the AWS VOD Solution:

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Hey Jason, thank you very much for such a good reply. One more question would I have: Is there a template for the full backend for aws incl admin panel?

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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