Printing to DCV printer from Appstream will result in .xps file where .pdf is expected


We use Appstream 2 to host an application, which is accessed by our users via a browser. Within this environment, users have a DCV printer available. For most users, printing to the DCV printer results in a PDF file to become available in a separate browser tab. But for 1 user printing results in a XPS file. I can't find how to change this to PDF for him.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren197 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

The link below discusses printing DCV files from Appstream 2.0 and Adobe Cloud, and mentions that having client authorization is needed, with a subordinate link for configuring that needed authorization. It discusses Default vs Custom permissions situations. If only 1 client of many has the problem, and you have ensured the correct printer was chosen for printing, then permissions review would be the next step in trouble-shooting. DCV Printing

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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