AWS CloudFormation stuck at CreateTags


I am trying to deploy ECS task. I have managed to do it once, however after deleting cluster and trying to create cluster with all valid names and parameters, i can't manage to do it.

Problem is that my CloudFormation stack is stuck in ECSService CREATE_IN_PROGRESS

Googling, I found out I can track exact what is happening using CloundTrail EventHistory and I found out I have a problem with CreateTags

It goes CreateTags then after some time it does DeleteNetworkInterface and then again in circle with CreateTags > DeleteNetworkInterface...

I have deleted cluster multiple times and created it but to no success. I have deleted ECR and pushed again but nothing works. I have checked out url to my repository image but it is okay.

One thing I noticed is massage you get when creating task Account settings for Resource Tagging Authorization are currently turned on. The ecs:TagResource Action is required to tag ECS resources., so I tried adding it to execution role which I also put into Task Role when creating Task Definition, but no success.

I have no idea what else to do. I do not get any error (except timeout on CloudFormation Stack).

Anyone have any clue what can I do?

1 Antwort

Problem was with VPC configuration. You need to make sure you have allowed access to the internet.

See this post:

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