NoSQL Workbench requires attribute type?


The NoSQL Workbench software seems to require specifying an attribute type, even for attributes that are not part of any keys. In DynamoDB, however, I can have distinct items with the same attribute (named, e.g. "myAttr"), where for item A, myAttr might be a String, and for item B, myAttr might be a Map. Trying to use myAttr as a key attribute will then fail, but otherwise this appears to work fine in DynamoDB.

Is there any way in the NoSQL Workbench to leave the type unspecified for some attributes? The UI doesn't seem to permit this :-/

gefragt vor 2 Jahren451 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi, you are correct that you must specify an attribute type on creation. I would suggest that you reach out to the NoSQL Workbench team directly with your feedback using the Email Us button on the app.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • The "Email Us" button doesn't actually take me to any email client (or display the email address) ... it just brings an open web browser to the foreground, but that's it (i.e. it doesn't open a new tab/window/etc.). NoSQL Workbench Version 3.2.1 (3.2.1), Mac OS.


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