AWS EC2 Instance will not stop or terminate - Instance ID does not exist


I keep trying to stop or terminate my EC2 instance (id i-05e091ac563783d77) and it first comes up with an error message saying an internal error has occured; sometimes an error message will come up saying the instance id does not exist.

I have tried forcing the stop through the console and through the CLI and it gives the same 'instance id does not exist' error message even though it does exist and has a state of 'running'.

gefragt vor 4 Jahren394 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Which region is it in? If it is in us-east-1, there is an on-going issue with EC2 there.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

There was an ongoing status error within the region.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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