Email identity verification link expired and cannot resend another


I was verifying an email identity, I got the email with the validation link but only after a few days it was opened. It then redirected to A page saying it has expired (it expires after 24hours) After searching the documentation I see that there should be a resend option but none is available for me.

How can I verify this email identity?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren650 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

There should be a Resend button at the top of SES console in Verified identities page of the unverified email address.

SES Identities

If you're still unable to see the Resend button, you can delete the unverified email identity and then just re-add it again.

profile picture
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Yes, I don't have that. Deleting the identity and creating it again might be the way.

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