How do I pass a string to inline lambda function in Cloudformation for S3 bucket name


I am trying to create a S3 bucket using Custom Resource and Inline lambda function using a name passed to it in Cloudformation. How do I pass a string for the bucket name as a parameter to the inline lambda function? I tried in vain to use the event['ResourceProperties']['BucketName'] which is a string defined under Custom Resource section and also tried to use Environment: Variables: None of these two seem to be working.

  • Can you add the code here? Why are you using a custom resource?

  • MyS3Resource: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt S3BucketLambda.Arn BucketName: !Sub cache-${AWS::AccountId} Region: !Ref AWS::Region

    S3BucketLambda: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: FunctionName: Index Handler: index.handler Runtime: python3.7 Role: !Join ["", ["arn:aws:iam::", !Ref "AWS::AccountId", ":role/companyname/aws-projectname-lambda-role"]] MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 10 Description: "Testing S3" Environment: Variables: BucketName: "cache-11223344" Code: ZipFile: | import boto3 import os import cfnresponse

          s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
          def handler(event, context):
            bucketName = event['ResourceProperties']['BucketName']
            this_event = event['RequestType']
            regionName = event['ResourceProperties']['Region']
            response_data = {}
              if this_event in ('Create', 'Update'):
                output = s3_client.head_bucket(Bucket=bucketName)
                print (output['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'])
            except Exception as e:
                response = s3_client.create_bucket(Bucket=bucketName)
                print (response)
                response_data['Data'] = json.dumps(response)
              except Exception as e:
                print (str (e))
1 Antwort


If you are passing parameters to the stack that you want to use in the bucket name then this is possible.
There are two ways I use to create bucket names. Note, all this can also be used in a Lambda if you are putting the lambda code "inline" in the CloudFormation template.

First with a parameter for bucket name [bucketname].
In the resource section I can then just use "!Ref bucketname" under the bucket resource to reference the parameter.

The other way I have used, especially in multi-landscape, is referencing one or many parameters and concatenating text along with text using !Sub. For example with parameters for [landscape], [tier], [environment] and pseudo parameters I could create the following naming.
!Sub bucket-${AWS::Region}-${landscape}-${tier}-${environment}.

Might be worth taking a look at the AWS CloudFormation Workshop.

Hope this helps and solve your challenges.

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Thank you, Mr. Ford, for your response. I do not want to use the parameter as I want the name to be dynamically created. I will try the second option you have suggested.

  • So, I used !Sub to define the bucket name under Custom Resource section, but the name never gets passed to the function.

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