CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin not displayed in API Gateway console


Hi all,
I set up the CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin to allow my domain in the API Gateway console for my API resources and redeploy the API.
It worked. But when I bring up the "Enable CORS" menu again, the field Access-Control-Allow-Origin always display the default '*'.
Though I could test to see that the previous setting still works, I wonder if this is a bug of the API Gateway console?
Or where am I supposed to see my CORS settings again in the console?
Or the only way is to execute Test and look at the response header???

gefragt vor 4 Jahren940 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I've found the CORS settings under: Method Execution --> Integration Response --> Header Mappings.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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