CodeCatalyst blueprint doesn't create dev environments automatically


I am using Free tier account. On creating a project with blueprint of SPA (framework: React, hosting: CloudFront + S3, CDK language: Typescript, region: us-west-2), it doesn't create any environment and result in 2 errors (missing Environment name) in one of the Workflow action.

does it happen because I am using free tier account?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren364 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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Hello there !

All Amazon CodeCatalyst users are able to get started for free and create projects using the available blueprints. This doc explains, how to create a sample project using a blueprint and deploy to AWS resources.

This error typically occurs when the AWS account is not set. Could you please confirm if you selected an AWS account for the development environment when creating a project using the blueprint?

Best, Sundaresh

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
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überprüft vor 3 Monaten
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überprüft vor 5 Monaten
  • Yes, the account was set. Later, I created new development environment of type 'non-production' and updated the missing environment name in workflow 'onPushToMainDeployPipeline' and commited that change in main branch (by default). After that, its all good and ran the workflow of 'onPushToMainDeployPipeline'.

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