No score report displayed after SAA-C02 exam


I have just finished the SAA-C02 this morning. However, it is very unusual that no exam result and score report was displayed after the exam. I took a few AWS exams before and the result was known immediately after the exam. Could you please advise?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren11326 Aufrufe
3 Antworten


I had the same experience. I contacted the provider and they logged a ticket on my behalf stating that immediately result SHOULD be displayed (and they wanted to investigate why the result wasn't displayed immediately) - but I had to wait nonetheless - anyway I got my result within 7-8 hours.

Have a great rest of the day!

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • I had the same experience I din't get the result immediately after I finished the exam, I just got a black screen, then a day after (about 18 hours after I finished the exam) I got an email from Credly indicating that I had a new badge and then about 5 hours after this notification from Credly the final notification from AWS. That was curious, but it was a good news anyway, :-)


Hello, the exam results are not right away anymore from what I have heard. It can take 24hrs or more to get the result. Wish you all the best for the results tho!

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

It usually takes some days. but you can wait 24 hours or login to or

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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