Using SNS with verified FROM MAIL domain in SES - Possible or not?


Hello: Is there any way of configuring SNS to send emails using the FROM MAIL domain configured and verified in SES? I can send emails from SES with my own domain (verified FROM MAIL), but I don't see a way to tell SNS to use this FROM MAIL configuration for outbound emails.

I would appreciate any clarification.

  • I asked this question a year ago, but I heard this is now possible, and hence, my question because I couldn't make it work!

gefragt vor einem Jahr214 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


I believe it can be done. You will have to use Lambda as a subscription in the SNS topic. The lambda code can then be called and used to send messages from your verified identity in SES. For an example code and a step by step about how to use the Lambda service to send messages from SES, have a look at this article.

I believe this covers your concern. Best Regards, Mo

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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