Charges exceed budget notifications by multiples


I set a budget for my account in order to prevent charges. Today I received the first notification that the budget was being exceeded - by multiples. Why did I not get notified earlier/the first day the budget was exceeded? I now have a bill, when I shouldn't really. (I am only learning about AWS/practicing for the Cloud Practitioner Certification)

gefragt vor einem Jahr291 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


Yes, unfortunately this situation can occur, as described in the AWS documentation.

There can be a delay between when you incur a charge and when you receive a notification from AWS Budgets for the charge. This is due to a delay between when an AWS resource is used and when that resource usage is billed. You might incur additional costs or usage that exceed your budget notification threshold before AWS Budgets can notify you.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

As Mikel said, unfortunately this situation can occur, as described in the AWS documentation.

For example, you can automatically enroll your account under Cost Anomaly Detection with Value as your budget threshold, and let it work. It should be "quicker" and match your use case.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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