You have exceeded your monthly credit limit


before publishing the hit the following error occurs You have exceeded your monthly credit limit is anyone solved the problem. how to resolve

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1452 Aufrufe
6 Antworten

Same, I also contact them and have been waiting for 2 days.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Are you now able to post HITs? I am still waiting that my limit is reset.


Me too. I get the same error message and need a quick solution!

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Has your problem been solved? I am still waiting..

  • Not so far. I got a message of the support, that they try to increase my monthly spending limit and I have to wait for approval. But the survey I wanted to publish was very cheap - so I am pretty sure that my "limit" is "0" at the moment. I am a first time user and I don't understand why there is a limit at all..


How long did it take before you could post HITs? I contacted the support but I have been waiting for over 2 days and nothing happened.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

I'm having the same problem. This post is 2 months old, and nothing seems to be coming out from the support team on this. Is MTurk dead?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Anyone have an answer for this ? I am first time user and I couldn't create more than one hit even though the requester account is tied to aws billing..

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Same. I'm new and my limit says it's 2,500 already yet I couldn't publish something for 1,008. I dropped it to 2 and that exceeded the limit too. So I'm pretty sure when you're new the limit is 0. We are forced into AWS billing and can't use pre-paid HITS or pay upfront in any way and then they don't give you a workable account. I've been waiting for 5 days and this is after being told 3 times my case is being expedited.


Any updates on this? I have the same problem.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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