AWS WorkSpace Problems When using Mac Keyboard


AWS WorkSpace Problems When using Mac Keyboard, so their are times when I run into UAC prompts on Windows 10, it prompts me to press Control + Alt + End.

When I am using a Windows client and an external keyboard I simply press Control + Alt on the client PC then on AWS workspace I press delete then this works.

Sometimes within AWS workspace I can use the menu option to send Control + Alt + Delete

However if I RDP to a Windows 10 client inside my Windows 10 Workspace that won't work.

The Macbook. keyboard doesn't support Control + Alt + Delete command natively. ( Of course as it doesn't have the keys).

I try to press Option and Command on my Mac keyboard then open up virtual keyboard on the AWS Workspace and press delete. I know this should work as Control + Alt (turn blue) and the Del key turns white when I press it.

So yes it should work but no it doesn't. I am at a loss any ideas? I have already tried to follow this guide and run this command. defaults delete SUSkippedVersion

Still doesn't work what am I doing wrong?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1141 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Bumb any update on this?????

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

No this still wont work....

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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