WordPress Multisite Lightsail Bitnami apps directory missing, manual edit wp-config


I am trying to follow https://youtu.be/J5thWR_C_0c but no apps directory in /opt/bitnami$ so I'm stuck at 2 minutes 30 seconds, help please? What I need to do next is get the main WordPress using the external domain name as currently it does this: instead of showing the blog home under http://www.west-cheshire.co.uk/ I think I need to manually edit wp-config

gefragt vor 2 Jahren597 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

apps Directory is removed so just write, /opt/bitnami/wordpress you have access to the wp-config.php file. or else for just search purpose connect with FTP Client (Filezilla) and check where the WordPress folder belong

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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