Unable to connect ec2 instance using ssh / website


I can not access my ec2 with any connection ssh,http,https I am getting connection timeout / refused. it always timeout. I added secuiry group inbound rules I added Route tables into vpc but no luck to access ec2 instance using ssh

gefragt vor einem Jahr312 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

Hi, Few additional things to check:

  1. Does your ec2 instance have a public IP address?
  2. Do you have an internet gateway attached to your VPC and does the subnet where the instance is located have a route to the internet gateway?
  3. Do you have any non-defauly Network access control lists that might be blocking traffic?
beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • 1.yes. 2. yes. Default vpc and have subject with route table and attached igw 3. Not default custom SG with ssh,https,http, and custom tcp port configured, I had tried default SG it also wont work.

  1. yes.
  2. yes. Default vpc and have subject with route table and attached igw
  3. Not default custom SG with ssh,https,http, and custom tcp port configured, I had tried default SG it also wont work.
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Is the subnet where the instance is located associated to the route table where you have the IGW attached? Do you have a specific IP address in the security group for the source(i.e. x.x.x.x/32) for the inbound rule or do you have

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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