How to upload large Excel file into Quicksight?


Customer is ingesting excel files into Quicksight. According to Creating DataSet from Excel the max file size is 1GB and there are limits on number of columns and column size.

I'm looking for a strategy to handle large files. take for example a 10GB excel file.

  1. Break into smaller files and upload each file independently into Quicksight
  2. Upload smaller files into S3 and then into Quicksight
  3. Upload large file into RDS and then into Quicksight
  4. other option?
gefragt vor 3 Jahren1152 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Here is a great blog post around ingesting excel data into QuickSight. It most aligns with your 2nd option. Put excel file into S3, convert file type, map the file to a Glue Table, then use Athena to bring the data into QuickSight.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren
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