IAM Identity Center – Google Workspace doesn't work as identity source


I set everything up following this guide. When I try to login using AWS access portal URL the following happens

  1. I get redirected to Google
  2. I select my account (that I have manually added as a user)
  3. I get an error:

Something went wrong Looks like this code isn't right. Please try again.

Any pointers are much appreciated

gefragt vor einem Jahr3506 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi! I was struggling with the same problem. For me, I had to ensure that the username of the user was the same as the email of the user in the google admin panel. My user was named 'jane' instead of 'jane@example.com', which caused SSO to fail, despite that user's email being jane@example.com

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Did you check the CloudTrail logs to check if you see any errors related to "ExternalIdPDirectoryLogin"

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • i have the same problem as this person and havent been able to find any errors containing "ExternalIdPDirectoryLogin" in cloudtrail logs

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