Constant creation of Test-env EC2 instance


Subject: Constant creation of Test-env EC2 instance

Dear AWS Support Team,

I am writing to inquire about the constant creation of an EC2 instance named "Test-env" on my AWS account. I have noticed that this instance is being created automatically on a regular basis, without any action on my part.

I would like to understand the reason for this behavior and how I can disable it, as it is causing unnecessary expenses for my account. I have checked my AWS account settings, but I could not find any option to disable this automatic creation.

Could you please provide me with more information on why this instance is being created and how I can disable this feature? I would appreciate any guidance or support that you can offer.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards, Yevhen

gefragt vor einem Jahr169 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Please check in the EC2 console under Autoscaling Groups (for the same region as your Test-env instance) to see if you have any configured. You can also look at Test-env's Tags to see if it has been tagged as owned by an Autoscaling Group.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

In addition to the above answer, please sort out how did you create the instance.

  • CloudFormation - there may be a code which constantly creates instance

  • Elastic Beanstack - chances are ELB, or an autoscaling policy is interpreting your instance being shutdown as a crash, so it's creating a new one to replace it, i.e. doing what it is programmed to do.

  • Spot Requests - even though you terminated the instance, the spot request would make a new one everytime the bid could be fulfilled.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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